Supercharging Linux Productivity

The command line interface (CLI) is a powerful tool for developers that allows for efficient and flexible interaction with a computer’s operating system. As a developer, mastering the essential command-line tools can significantly enhance your productivity and workflow. In this article, we will explore in-depth some of the most important command-line tools every developer should know to supercharge their Linux productivity.

Benefits of Learning the Command Line Interface (CLI)

If you’re someone who spends a lot of time working with computers, Learning how to use the command line interface (CLI) can offer numerous advantages. Here are some of the benefits that come with mastering the CLI:

Increased Productivity

One of the primary reasons to learn the CLI is the potential for increased Productivity. With GUIs, you typically need to use your mouse to navigate through menus and click on buttons to perform actions. This can be slow and cumbersome, especially if you work with complex software applications or frequently repeat tasks. CLI commands, on the other hand, allow you to interact with your Computer much more quickly using only keyboard inputs. By automating repetitive tasks and leveraging powerful command line tools, you can streamline your workflow and accomplish tasks much faster.

Scripting Capabilities

Another significant benefit of the CLI is its powerful scripting capabilities. With scripts, you can automate complex tasks and workflows that would otherwise require manual input from you. For example, you could write a script to perform backups of important files, rename a large number of files at once, or even automate routine server maintenance tasks. CLI scripts are often more flexible and customizable than GUI-based solutions, allowing you to tailor them precisely to your needs.

Access to System Tools

Many powerful system tools and utilities are available exclusively through the CLI. These tools enable you to perform tasks that are not easily accomplished through graphical user interfaces. For example, you can use the CLI to monitor system resources, configure network settings, manage user accounts, and much more. By having access to these tools, you can gain a deeper understanding of how your Computer works and have greater control over its behavior.

Package Managers

Package managers are essential tools for installing, updating, and managing software packages on a Linux system. Different distributions use different package managers, but some of the most common ones include apt-get (Debian-based systems), yum and dnf (Red Hat-based systems), pacman (Arch Linux), and brew (macOS).


apt-get is a powerful package management tool used by Debian-based Linux distributions such as Ubuntu, Mint, and Debian itself. Here are some useful commands you can use with apt-get:

sudo apt-get update: This updates the local package index to ensure that you have the latest available versions of all packages.

sudo apt-get upgrade: This upgrades all installed packages to the latest available versions.

sudo apt-get install <package>: This installs the specified package and all its dependencies.

sudo apt-get remove <package>: This removes the specified package, but not its dependencies.

sudo apt-get autoremove: This removes all packages that were installed as dependencies but are no longer needed.

yum and dnf

yum and dnf are package management tools used by Red Hat-based Linux distributions such as CentOS, Fedora, and Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Here are some useful commands you can use with yum:

sudo yum update: This updates all installed packages to the latest available versions.

sudo yum install <package>: This installs the specified package and all its dependencies.

sudo yum remove <package>: This removes the specified package, but not its dependencies.

dnf is a newer version of yum, which has more features and a cleaner syntax. Here are some useful commands you can use with dnf:

sudo dnf upgrade: This upgrades all installed packages to the latest available versions.

sudo dnf install <package>: This installs the specified package and all its dependencies.

sudo dnf remove <package>: This removes the specified package, but not its dependencies.

sudo dnf search <keyword>: This searches for packages containing the specified keyword in their name or description.


pacman is a package management tool used by Arch Linux and its derivatives. Here are some useful commands you can use with pacman:

sudo pacman -Syu: This updates the package database and upgrades all installed packages to the latest available versions.

sudo pacman -S <package>: This installs the specified package and all its dependencies.

sudo pacman -Rs <package>: This removes the specified package and all its dependencies that are no longer needed.


brew is a package manager for macOS that allows you to install and manage software packages from the command line. Here are some useful commands you can use with brew:

brew update: This updates the local package index to ensure that you have the latest available versions of all packages.

brew upgrade: This upgrades all installed packages to the latest available versions.

brew install <package>: This installs the specified package and all its dependencies.

brew uninstall <package>: This removes the specified package and all its dependencies that are no longer needed.

Version Control Systems

Version control systems (VCS) are crucial for managing and tracking changes to source code files. Git is the most popular VCS among developers, but other options like Mercurial and Subversion are also widely used.


Git is a distributed version control system that allows multiple developers to work on the same project simultaneously. Here are some useful commands you can use with Git:

git init: This initializes a new Git repository in the current directory.

git clone <repository-url>: This clones an existing Git repository to your local machine.

git add <file>: This adds the specified file or directory to the staging area for the next commit.

git commit -m "commit message": This commits all changes in the staging area, along with a descriptive message.

git push: This pushes your committed changes to a remote repository, typically hosted on a service like GitHub or GitLab.

git pull: This fetches changes from a remote repository and merges them into your local branch.

git branch: This shows a list of all branches in the repository.

git checkout <branch>: This switches to the specified branch or creates a new branch if it does not exist.

git merge <branch>: This merges changes from the specified branch into your current branch.


Mercurial is a distributed version control system similar to Git. Here are some useful commands you can use with Mercurial:

hg init: This initializes a new Mercurial repository in the current directory.

hg clone <repository-url>: This clones an existing Mercurial repository to your local machine.

hg add <file>: This adds the specified file or directory to the staging area for the next commit.

hg commit -m "commit message": This commits all changes in the staging area, along with a descriptive message.

hg push: This pushes your committed changes to a remote repository.

hg pull: This fetches changes from a remote repository and merges them into your local branch.

hg branch: This shows a list of all branches in the repository.

hg update <branch>: This switches to the specified branch or creates a new branch if it does not exist.

hg merge <branch>: This merges changes from the specified branch into your current branch.


Subversion (SVN) is a centralized version control system that uses a client-server model. Here are some useful commands you can use with SVN:

svn checkout <repository-url>: This checks out an existing SVN repository to your local machine.

svn add <file>: This adds the specified file or directory to the staging area for the next commit.

svn commit -m "commit message": This commits all changes in the staging area, along with a descriptive message.

svn update: This updates your local working copy of the repository with changes from the server.

svn switch <branch>: This switches to the specified branch or creates a new branch if it does not exist.

svn merge <branch>: This merges changes from the specified branch into your current branch.

Text Editors

Text editors are essential tools for writing and editing code, configuration files, and documentation. Vim, Emacs, and Nano are three of the most popular text editors in the Linux ecosystem.


Vim is a highly configurable and powerful text editor that can be used entirely from the command line. Here are some useful commands you can use with Vim:

vim <filename>: This opens the specified file in Vim for editing.

i: This enters insert mode, allowing you to type text into the file.

Esc: This exits insert mode and returns to command mode.

:w: This saves the changes you’ve made to the file.

:q: This exits Vim.

:wq: This saves the changes you’ve made to the file and exits Vim.

:set number: This shows line numbers in the document for reference while editing.

:syntax on: This enables syntax highlighting for the specific file being edited.


Emacs is another highly configurable text editor that has been around since the 1970s. Here are some useful commands you can use with Emacs:

emacs <filename>: This opens the specified file in Emacs for editing.

Ctrl+X Ctrl+S: This saves the changes you’ve made to the file.

Ctrl+X Ctrl+C: This quits Emacs.

Alt+x: This enters Emacs’ command mode.

M-x linum-mode: This shows line numbers in the document for reference while editing.

M-x auto-fill-mode: This automatically wraps lines when typing text.


Nano is a more straightforward and user-friendly editor that is ideal for beginners or those who prefer a simpler interface. Here are some useful commands you can use with Nano:

nano <filename>: This opens the specified file in Nano for editing.

Ctrl+O: This saves the changes you’ve made to the file.

Ctrl+X: This exits Nano.

Alt+U: This undoes your last action.

Alt+E: This redo your last action.

Alt+G: This shows the current line and column number.

Terminal Multiplexers

Terminal multiplexers are powerful tools for managing multiple terminal sessions within a single window. Tmux and Screen are two popular terminal multiplexers in the Linux ecosystem.


Tmux is a highly configurable and powerful terminal multiplexer that allows you to split your terminal window into multiple panes, switch between different sessions, and detach and reattach sessions. Here are some useful commands you can use with Tmux:

tmux: This starts a new Tmux session.

Ctrl+B %: This splits the current pane into two vertical panes.

Ctrl+B ": This splits the current pane into two horizontal panes.

Ctrl+B <arrow key>: This moves between different panes.

Ctrl+B c: This creates a new window.

Ctrl+B p: This switches to the previous window.

Ctrl+B n: This switches to the next window.

Ctrl+B d: This detaches from the current session.

tmux attach: This reattaches to a detached Tmux session.


Screen is another terminal multiplexer that allows you to create multiple virtual terminals within a single physical terminal window. Here are some useful commands you can use with Screen:

screen: This starts a new Screen session.

Ctrl+A |: This splits the current region vertically.

Ctrl+A S: This splits the current region horizontally.

Ctrl+A <tab>: This moves between different regions.

Ctrl+A c: This creates a new window.

Ctrl+A ": This lists available windows.

Ctrl+A A: This renames the current window.

Ctrl+A d: This detaches from the current session.

screen -r: This reattaches to a detached Screen session.

System Monitoring Tools

System monitoring tools allow you to keep track of system resources, performance, and processes. Htop and Glances are two popular system monitoring tools in the Linux ecosystem.


Htop is an interactive process viewer that shows CPU usage, memory usage, and other system statistics in real-time. Here are some useful commands you can use with Htop:

htop: This starts Htop.

F1: This displays the help screen with a list of available commands.

F2: This allows you to change the setup options for Htop.

F3: This allows you to search for a specific process.

F4: This allows you to filter processes by user or other criteria.

F5: This refreshes the screen to display the latest system statistics.

F9: This sends a signal to a selected process, allowing you to terminate it.

F10: This quits Htop.


Glances is another system monitoring tool that provides comprehensive real-time information about system resources and performance. Here are some useful commands you can use with Glances:

glances: This starts Glances.

h: This displays the help screen with a list of available commands.

m: This displays memory usage statistics.

c: This displays CPU usage statistics.

n: This displays network usage statistics.

d: This displays disk usage statistics.

p: This displays process statistics.

q: This quits Glances.


The command line interface is a powerful tool for developers, and mastering the essential command-line tools can significantly enhance your Productivity and workflow. From package managers and version control systems to text editors and system monitoring tools, understanding and utilizing these tools can make you a more efficient and effective Linux developer.

By harnessing the power of the command line, you can automate repetitive tasks, manage complex workflows, and optimize system performance. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer, exploring and mastering these essential command-line tools will undoubtedly supercharge your Linux productivity and make you a more proficient developer.